
Saturday, 4 April 2015

Alternative function: Moving average


This is a slightly more advanced version of movAv and provides an alternative to movavg and tsmovavg ("time-series moving average"). This version allows weighting of the mean and setting of the lag value (rather than just centring the average automatically). It also shows examples of basic management of the variables in a functions workspace, using switch and case for convenient string logic, and how to perform a weighted mean calculation. See also movAv for a couple of examples when moving averages may or may not be appropriate.

Compared to movAv.m, this version adds two features:

  • Lag - when performing a moving average with length n, n points in total are lost from the output. The lag value positions the output in a vector of the same length as in the input, by determining the number of NaNs at the start and end of the vector.
  • Weights - Included are a few random weights as examples in the script as examples, although the only one that might be useful is 'simExp', which exponentially weights the values in the centre of the average window higher than the outer points. Weights can also be supplied as a vector the same length as the average window (n). The absolute values of the weights are unimportant, as they're normalised to relative values that sum to 1 in the script.

movAv2.m code run-through
function [output, weights] = movAv2(y,n,lag,weights)

movAv2 takes 4 inputs; the data to be averaged (vector, y), the number of points over which to perform the average (scaler, n), the lag (scaler, lag) of the output vector relative to the input vector, and a vector of weights to use (weights). The weights should either be a vector of length the average window (n), or a string that matches any of the examples in side the function ('exp', 'symExp', 'linInc', or 'rand'). The weights used are also returned for reference in the output weights.

% Calculate lag
lead = n-(n-lag);

First lead is calculated from the lag and n values. If lag is 2 and n is 10, lead will be 8 meaning the output vector will have 8 NaNs at the start, and 2 at the end.

% If no weights specified, assume equal
if ~exist('weights', 'var')
    weights = ones(1,n);

If weights aren't specified the variable weights won't exist in the functions workspace, which can be checked using the exist function. If weights doesn't exist it set as all ones (of length n), so weighting is equal over all points in the window.

if ischar(weights)
    switch weights
        case {'exp', 'Exp'}
        case 'symExp'
        case 'linInc'
        case 'rand'
disp('Invalid weights requested, weighting disabled')
            weights = ones(1,n);
    % Weights specified as a vector

The next if and then switch check if weights has been specified as a vector or as a string. If weights is already a vector, nothing is done. If it's a string ischar(weights) is true (note also that ischar(weights)==1 is also true, but the extra typing is unnecessary because it's like asking if true==true), the switch/case block checks for which string it is, and replaces weights with a vector of length n with appropriate values. Note how multiple stings can be checked by each case using the syntax case {'string1', 'string2'} - if either string is true, the case is entered. If weights is a sting but not matched by any of the cases, the otherwise statement sets all the weights as equal.

% Normalise weights to 0 to 1;
weights = weights./sum(weights);

The weights are normalised before calculating the average by dividing each weight by the sum of all the weights. This makes all the weights sum to 1, and the absolute value irrelevant.

% Preallocate output
% For length of input, minus n
for a = 1:length(y)-n
    % Find index range to take average over
    % Calculate mean
    output(a+lead) = sum(y(a:b).*weights);

Finally, the mean is calculated in a similar way as in movAv, the differences being how the running average is placed in the output vector according to the lead value (instead of just centred) and weighted average is calculated by the sum of the average window (y(a:b)) multiplied by the normalised weights.

Code for figures (note, uses og and ng)
% Generate data
noiseReps = 4;
noise = repmat(randn(1,ceil(numel(x)/noiseReps)),noiseReps,1);
noise = reshape(noise, 1, length(noise)*noiseReps);
% Figure 1
plot(x, [y', y1', y2', y3'])
legend('Original data', ...
    '20pt average, 0pt lag', ...
    '20pt average, centered', ...
    '20pt average, 20pt lag') 
title('Comparison of lags')
% Figure 2 
w0 = NaN(1,n);
[y1, w1]=movAv2(y,20,10);
[y2, w2]=movAv2(y,20,10,'symExp');
[y3, w3]=movAv2(y,20,10,[10 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10]);
[y4, w4]=movAv2(y,20,10,'rand');
subplot(2,1,1), plot(x, [y', y1', y2', y3', y4']);
title('Comparison of weightings')
xlabel('x, pts*10^2')
legend('Original data', ...
    '20pt equal weighting', ...
    '20pt symmetric exponential window', ...
    '20pt weightless centre', ...
    '20pt random window')
subplot(2,1,2), plot(1:n, [w0', w1', w2'+0.2, w3'+0.4, w4'+0.6])
title('Relative window weights')
xlabel('x, pts')

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